American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals

Luis E. Bermudez, MD, FACS

International Member

International Member

Luis E. Bermudez, MD, FACS

PLASTIC SURGEON IN BOGOTA, COLOMBIA.Value statements: Seriousness, Responsibility, Honestly, Discretion, Innovation, Continuous updating, Personalized care, Teamwork, Solidarity. Dr. Bermudez perform his surgeries in accredited surgical facilities, adhere to a strict code of ethics and fulfill continuing medical education requirements in plastic surgery, including training in patient safety techniques. As your medical partner, Dr. Bermudez is dedicated to working with you to achieve your goals.

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Meet Dr. Luis Bermudez

"What is fascinating about plastic surgery is that changes not just the body or its tissues, plastic surgery impacts patient’s life".  Dr Luis Bermudez

Dr. Luis Bermudez is dedicated to providing exceptional care his patients and their families.It is his goal to exceed expectations for ethical, safe, personalized outcomes that naturally correct deformities or enhance your appearance.

Combining over 25 years of experience dedicated to reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery, with a commitment to offering the latest in safe, proven, state-of-the-art technology for surgical treatments Dr. Bermudez and his team strive to get your expectations and limit your recovery time in a friendly, safe and private environment. It is our goal for your entire experience with our office to be exceptional in every way.

Professor in two prestigious Universities in Bogotá. He has published numerous articles in indexed scientific journals and has act as international speaker several times.

 The recognition of a loyal and select group of patients Dr. Bermudez makes an important reference in Plastic Surgery. You will find in him a great professional but also a great person

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Patient Testimonials

El Doctor Luis E Bermudez me realizó una cirugía que transformó mi rostro, su técnica fue tan acertada y delicada que la recuperación fue inmediata, lo considero brillante profesional, excelente ser humano, le quedó eternamente agradecida, Dios bendiga y conserve sus manos SANDRA MONTANEZ
El Dr. Luis Eduardo Bermúdez, es el mejor cirujano de Latinoamérica, su amplia experiencia, su gran conocimiento, su calidez humana y su nobleza, le han dado el mayor reconocimiento a nivel mundial. Siempre lo recomiendo como el mejor y todos quedan siempre completamente satisfechos. ANDREA AREVALO MURCIA
Luis Eduardo Bermudez, que como un angel me ha llenado de felicidad! 😊 Permitiendo ver que lo bello que hay dentro de mí, de esta manera se ha elevado mí autoestima a otro nivel. Los resultados de la cirugía me dejan el corazón lleno de profundo agradecimiento y no tengo palabras que alcancen a describir el gran talento, profesionalismo y dedicación del doctor Luis Eduardo Bermúdez. No me cansare de decirle gracias muchas gracias! 🌹 que Dios siga multiplicando sus bendiciones. No solo lleno mis expectativas sino que las supero. 💯🌟In un momento della mia vita che mi sentivo insatisfatta😞! Dio mi permise di incontrare il dottor Luis Eduardo Bermúdez, che come un angelo mi ha riempito di felicità! 😊 Permettendomi di vedere la bellezza che è dentro di me è in questo modo ha elevato la mia autostima ad un altro livello. I risultati della chirurgia lasciano il mio cuore pieno di profonda gratitudine e non ho parole che possano descrivere il grande talento, la professionalità e la dedizione del Dott. Luis Eduardo Bermúdez. Non mi stanco di dire grazie, mille grazie! 🌹 Possa Dio continuare a moltiplicare le sue benedizioni. Non solo à soddisfatto le mie aspettative, ma gli à superate.🌈 TATY ANTURY

Procedures Performed

Arm Lift

Body Contouring

Body Lift

Botulinum Toxin

Breast Augmentation

Breast Implant Removal

Breast Implant Removal

Breast Lift

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reduction

Brow Lift

Buttock Implants

Buttock Lift with Augmentation

Calf Augmentation

Chin Augmentation

Chin Surgery

Cleft Lip and Palate Repair

Cosmetic Surgery & Computer Imaging


Dermal Fillers

Down Syndrome

Ear Reconstruction Surgery

Ear Surgery

Endoscopic Technique

Eyelid Surgery


Facial Implants

Free Flap Breast Reconstruction

Gender Affirmation Surgery

General Reconstruction

Giant Nevi Removal

Hand Surgery

Hand Surgery for Congenital Differences

Head and Neck Cancer Reconstruction

Head and Neck Skin Cancer Reconstruction

Injectable Fillers

Lip Augmentation/Enhancement


Male Breast Reduction


Post Burn Reconstruction


Scar Revision

Skin Cancer Removal

Skull/Facial Bone Reconstruction

Surgery for Genitourinary Diseases

Thigh Lift

TRAM Flap Breast Reconstruction

Tummy Tuck

Ask A Surgeon

Ask a Surgeon

Dr. Luis Bermudez participates in the ASPS Ask A Surgeon service. View responses to public questions below.

Breast lift

Breast Lift

Member Response:

Sure they will bounce. How much the bounce will depend on how big they are.

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Patient Testimonials

El Doctor Luis E Bermudez me realizó una cirugía que transformó mi rostro, su técnica fue tan acertada y delicada que la recuperación fue inmediata, lo considero brillante profesional, excelente ser humano, le quedó eternamente agradecida, Dios bendiga y conserve sus manos SANDRA MONTANEZ
El Dr. Luis Eduardo Bermúdez, es el mejor cirujano de Latinoamérica, su amplia experiencia, su gran conocimiento, su calidez humana y su nobleza, le han dado el mayor reconocimiento a nivel mundial. Siempre lo recomiendo como el mejor y todos quedan siempre completamente satisfechos. ANDREA AREVALO MURCIA
Luis Eduardo Bermudez, que como un angel me ha llenado de felicidad! 😊 Permitiendo ver que lo bello que hay dentro de mí, de esta manera se ha elevado mí autoestima a otro nivel. Los resultados de la cirugía me dejan el corazón lleno de profundo agradecimiento y no tengo palabras que alcancen a describir el gran talento, profesionalismo y dedicación del doctor Luis Eduardo Bermúdez. No me cansare de decirle gracias muchas gracias! 🌹 que Dios siga multiplicando sus bendiciones. No solo lleno mis expectativas sino que las supero. 💯🌟In un momento della mia vita che mi sentivo insatisfatta😞! Dio mi permise di incontrare il dottor Luis Eduardo Bermúdez, che come un angelo mi ha riempito di felicità! 😊 Permettendomi di vedere la bellezza che è dentro di me è in questo modo ha elevato la mia autostima ad un altro livello. I risultati della chirurgia lasciano il mio cuore pieno di profonda gratitudine e non ho parole che possano descrivere il grande talento, la professionalità e la dedizione del Dott. Luis Eduardo Bermúdez. Non mi stanco di dire grazie, mille grazie! 🌹 Possa Dio continuare a moltiplicare le sue benedizioni. Non solo à soddisfatto le mie aspettative, ma gli à superate.🌈 TATY ANTURY
Vivo en madrid, y programe mi cirugia desde alla ,mi experiencia con este angel que no tengo palabras para decirle lo agradecida que estoy x mi cirugia me realize una lipo laser y mamopexia con aumento y de verdad k los resultados an sido increibles a pesar de que llevo 7 dias los resultados an sido increibles Estoy tan feliz y gracias a ti e recuperado el autoestima nuevamente mil y mil gracias 😀😀😀mi doc Dios te siga iluminando siempre EXELENTE doctor !!!! Lo recomendare siempre el mejor de todos !!! Y los post operatorios increibles sandrita con sus manos tan sanadoras hace que la recuperacion se mas facil graciassss !!!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️ MERY PERILLA
El mejor Doctor en cirugía que hay en Colombia y con su equipo de trabajo hacen el complemento perfecto para cualquier cirugía que quieras. Mi experiencia con ellos fue el mejor!! Y ni se Diga el Postoperatorio, con Sandrita que tiene unas manos mágicas para la curación!!. Siempre pendientes de ti!!, Muchas gracias. YULIANNA SALINAS PACHON
I went to Dr. Bermudez for a rhinoplasty and breast augmentation. I was born with a cleft lip, had numerous surgeries through my life. I was completely awed by the result of the surgery Dr. Bermudez performed. It has been 5 yrs since and my surgery is still great shape. I also had a lip reconstruction which was very satisfactory. I would recommend anyone to Dr. Bermudez, he did a wonderful job, and his willingness to explain my case and the medical procedures to resolve the problem was outstanding. I will forever be grateful for what Dr. Bermudez has done to change my life. It goes without saying that I would recommend Dr. Bermudez to anybody who needs plastic surgery. I'm fortunate that things fell into place and he just happened to have been the one to help me finish the project. MONICA BERNAL
For nearly a year, I made plans to travel to Colombia from Florida to fulfill my desire of having cosmetic surgery (rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty and lipo). I researched several doctors but ultimately narrowed it down to Dr. Bermudez, and I'm very happy with my decision. Dr. Bermudez is a member of Colombia's national plastic surgery society (La Sociedad Colombiana de Cirugia Plastica), he is very knowledgable in his field and he is very fluent in English, making him the ideal surgeon for plastic surgery tourists. He and his staff work in a clean and safe facility which was comforting for me. They all went above and beyond taking care of me during my overnight stay after my procedure and during my follow up care. Not only that, but I am ecstatic with my results. Even when my nose was still healing and bandaged up, I was receiving compliments from friends and strangers! Some even asking specifically who my doctor is. I know getting cosmetic surgery outside of your home country can be extremely scary, but I can confidently vouch for Dr. Bermudez and his staff. I am so happy with my decision, I would do it a thousand times over! ANA RODRIGUEZ
Recomendado, soy Colombiano radicado en Alemania, completamente satisfecho con el trabajo del Doctor Luis Bermudez con el cual me he realizado un procedimiento facial (lifting), del cual he quedado muy agradecido con el y con su equipo de trabajo , por su gran profesionalismo y amabilidad . ALBERTO BERBO

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