& AfterPhotos
Sumter, SC
63yo WF s/p Facial Rejuvenation: Upper Lid & Lower Blepharoplasty (transconjunctival), Fat Grafting to the Face/Chin (62cc centrifuged fat), Deep Plane Face Lift, Platysmaplasty, Liposuction of face/neck & CO2 Laser Resurfacing-Face. Old photograph from 1993. 22 years prior to Facial Surgery.
Age: 63
Height Feet: 5
Height Inches: 2
Smoking History: Ex-smoker
Type of Operation: Deep-plane facelift
Ancillary Procedures Used: Fat Graft
Perioral treatment: Fat grafting
Grafts: Fat
Graft(s) Location: Face
Years between operation and 'after' photos: 0
Months between operation and 'after' photos: 4
Weeks between operation and 'after' photos: 12