American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals

Jason M. Petrungaro, MD, FACS

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Jason M. Petrungaro, MD, FACS

Welcome to the Plastic Surgeon Match profile for Doctor Jason M. Petrungaro! We are happy you have found us and hope you find this profile interesting and informative! Dr. Petrungaro is a board certified Plastic Surgeon focusing on cosmetic surgeries of the face, breasts, and body. We proudly serve the residents of northwest Indiana, Chicagoland, as well as patients from around the nation. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Enjoy your experience, and best wishes!

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Meet Dr. Jason Petrungaro

Doctor Petrungaro proudly serves the residents of northwest Indiana and Chicago.  No matter the reason for needing or wanting Plastic Surgery, his philosophy on the entire process is that it is an intensely personal experience.

At Petrungaro Plastic Surgery, we believe in exceptional patient care, open communication, surgical skill, and staff competence.  Each person is different, and each patient has their own definition of beauty. Together you and the doctor will define your goals and develop a highly-specialized treatment plan that will help you achieve beautiful, natural, long-lasting results that will be truly gratifying for years to come.

Your Consultation

Your consultation is one of the most important parts of your surgical journey.  After you have filled out the appropriate intake forms, the first person you will see is Doctor Petrungaro.  At our office you will never ever be screened by or sold a surgery by a pushy salesperson or patient care coordinator before they allow you to see the doctor.   You will first sit with Doctor Petrungaro in his private office and discuss your surgical goals, establish a doctor-patient relationship, and start to formulate a treatment plan.  It is during this time that the surgical procedure will be explained to you in detail, including information about technique, operative time, and postoperative recovery.  Feel free to come prepared -- Doctor Petrungaro will take as long as necessary to make you feel informed, comfortable, and confident!

After the initial conversation you will then have an examination of the areas you are looking to treat.  At this time your official surgical recommendations will be made.  You can expect a surgical quote at the end of your visit.  Doctor Petrungaro and his nurse Amy will happily answer any remaining questions.  At Petrungaro Plastic Surgery, the residents of northwest Indiana and Chicago are proudly cared for, so be ready to Make Your Beautiful Happen!


All surgeries are performed in fully accredited ambulatory surgery centers or hospitals staffed by board certified Anesthesiologists and/or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists.

Patient Testimonials

Words cannot describe how satisfied I am with my results and the post op follow up and care that was provided by Dr. Petrungaro, I had a tummy tuck with muscle repair on 10/17/2016 and the process was a breeze from consultation to my post op visits. I can't wait to get my next procedure done with him.
My highest regard, trust and respect for this surgeon. He delivered what he promised and changed the life and self esteem of this 66 yr. old. Office staff is the best and most helpful and watchful. Planning my next procedure and recommend him highly. Had a tummy tuck and my amazement is with the healing and general outcome because of his skill. I don't believe Beverly Hills could have done better. Wish I did it sooner. If you are seeking a Northwest Indiana or Chicago plastic surgeon, this is him.
Dr.P was exceptional! No question went unanswered, and as many as I had, he was very patient with me. I felt extremely comfortable at every appointment. He was extremely professional, yet personable at the same time.

Procedures Performed

Arm Lift

Body Contouring

Body Lift

Botulinum Toxin

Breast Augmentation

Breast Implant Removal

Breast Lift

Breast Reduction

Buttock Lift with Augmentation

Cheek Augmentation

Chemical Peels, IPL, Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments

Chin Augmentation

Dermal Fillers

Ear Surgery

Eyelid Surgery


Injectable Fillers

Laser Hair Removal

Lip Augmentation/Enhancement


Male Breast Reduction

Mommy Makeover

Neck Lift

Thigh Lift

Tummy Tuck

Ask A Surgeon

Ask a Surgeon

Dr. Jason Petrungaro participates in the ASPS Ask A Surgeon service. View responses to public questions below.

Age restrictions?

Breast Lift

Member Response:

You are correct, it is not very common for a 19 year old to need a breast lift; however, it is certainly not impossible for it to occur. At your age, you may be needing a breast REDUCTION, which is much more common for your age group. You mention that your breasts sag. Are they extremely large and heavy as well? My best advice: seek out a board certified Plastic Surgeon who can do a good examination. He or she will be able to recommend the best procedure for you and explain the pros and cons of surgery at your age. Best of luck!

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Dont know what to do!

Breast Augmentation

Member Response:

Losing 40 pounds multiple times will certainly cause the breasts to become droopy as well as cause lots of loose skin. In order to determine what is best for you an in-person examination would need to be done. A reduction or a lift might be best. Now you mentioned that a lift is the most important thing to you. It might sound unusual to you, but I am thinking you may be a candidate for a breast lift with an augmentation (augmentation mastopexy). This procedure will tighten loose breast skin, reduce the size of the areolas, move the nipples back up into the proper location, and restore your lost volume and UPPER POLE FULLNESS (one of the most important characteristics of a youthful breast). A lift alone will NOT give you the youthful contours of upper pole fullness. You don't need a huge implant, you might be amazed by what a smaller implant can do if you have plenty of breast tissue. Be sure you consult with a surgeon comfortable with this type of surgery. Best wishes!

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Previous reduction and need agsin

Breast Augmentation

Member Response:

After 28 years and 2 children, it is completely understandable that there have been significant changes in your breasts. Pregnancy causes enlargement of the breasts as you prepare to breast feed. Couple this with possible weight fluctuations as well as gravity and suddenly you are dealing with breasts that are too big, droopy, and lacking upper pole fullness despite a breast reduction 28 years ago. As you correctly mentioned, what you likely need is a breast lift with a small reduction and a simultaneous augmentation. This is possible, but it will be helpful if you could find the operative note from your original breast reduction so your surgeon can determine what technique was used. That might be tough considering your records from 28 years ago were probably legally destroyed. The most important aspect here is to make sure the surgery is well-planned and safe. Be sure to consult with an experienced surgeon comfortable with performing complicated breast revision surgery.

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Gallbladder surgery

Tummy Tuck

Member Response:

You ask a great question. An incision for an open gallbladder removal is called a "subcostal" incision. In terms of blood supply, whenever a scar is made (from an incision), we as Plastic Surgeons have to take into account whether we think there is good blood flow to the skin above and below the scar because it sort of acts as a potential "road block". I can speak from personal experience that I have carefully performed full tummy tucks with upper abdominal liposuction on patients with your scar and it has healed perfectly without any issues. That being said, I think most Plastic Surgeons would agree that there is a slightly increased risk of wound healing issues in that area. Make sure you consult with a board certified Plastic Surgeon who can weigh in on your situation with a good examination. Best wishes!

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Will a transfer of fat to the hands help improve crepey skin?

Dermal Fillers

Member Response:

I perform a good amount of hand rejuvenation, mostly with hyaluronic acid filler (I use the Restylane family). To answer your question, the injection of filler into the top of the hands will definitely help reduce the appearance of your crepey skin. One of the major reasons the skin appears this way is due to loss of volume as we age. Filler will replace that lost volume and help plump and stretch the skin in this area, thus reducing the crepey appearance. I hope this helps and best wishes!

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Breast Augmentation

Member Response:

The cost of breast augmentation surgery will vary greatly in different parts of the country. If there is one thing I try to convey to my patients is that all surgical "quotes" are not the same. Many offices will advertise a price that appears very low, but that price is only referring to the surgeon's fees. Every breast augmentation price quote has multiple components: 1. surgeon's fees, 2. anesthesia fees, 3. facility fees, 4. breast implant fees, and 5. extra fees such as garments and cosmetic insurance. I am near Chicago and the average all-inclusive price of a breast augmentation is probably between $6000-7000 depending on saline or silicone implants. There will be surgeons who charge less, and surgeons who charge A LOT more. Beware of the extremes. The lowest price might not be the safest choice, and the highest price is just gouging and taking advantage of people. Best wishes!

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Post op

Breast Augmentation

Member Response:

If you are almost 2 weeks out from a breast augmentation, your pain should be getting much better, not worse as you describe. Hard breasts that hurt after a breast augmentation could be a hematoma (a blood collection) in one or even both breasts. It does take time for your breasts to soften and drop after an augmentation, but the increasing pain could be worrisome. My advice is to contact your surgeon as soon as possible and let their office know what is happening. You should go in for a quick check to make sure everything is OK. Best wishes!

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Breast fat transfer

Breast Augmentation

Member Response:

Good question. The answer is no, you cannot transfer fat from one person to the other. The body receiving the unmatched donor fat will reject it because it is not genetically identical. This means the fat would be eliminated by the body (and make the recipient sick from rejection). The only way to do this successfully would be a fat transfer from one identical twin to another. Organ transplants have the same problem, but in those situations the use of powerful anti-rejection medications (for life) is warranted because those surgeries are life-saving/medically necessary. But the possibility of successful tissue transfers from unmatched donors is being researched and may be on the horizon in the future.

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Hairy Nevis

Body Contouring

Member Response:

This should be a rather easy problem to fix. Be sure you find a board certified Plastic Surgeon who is comfortable operating on younger patients. You do not need a Plastic Surgeon who only specializes in pediatrics for this type of surgery -- any board certified Plastic Surgeon will be able to handle a lesion of this size. It may be able to be removed all at once, or it may need 2 surgeries if your surgeon feels it is too big. If you have access to a children's hospital, then feel free to find one of their Plastic Surgeons. Otherwise I am sure there are plenty of qualified surgeons in the Tampa area that will help you and your daughter. The process will include an in-office consultation and then surgical planning. It will probably be best to do this surgery either in the hospital or a surgery center with some anesthesia. Your health insurance should pay for this. After surgery your daughter will have a few follow-up appointments, and then she's done. Best wishes!

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Breast Reduction

Member Response:

My advice is to seek another opinion. Make sure your Plastic Surgeon is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Like many of the other surgeons who have answered your question, I can't remember the last time I had to perform free nipple grafts on a breast reduction. It has been years since I have done it. I always go into a breast reduction with the intention of preserving the nipples. If by the end of the surgery the blood supply looks really poor to the nipple(s), only then will I entertain the need for this. My other advice is to consider waiting to have your breast reduction until after your childbearing. I say this because breast reduction surgery will often reduce or even eliminate the ability to breastfeed (we are removing almost 1/2 of your milk producing tissue). And you are correct, free nipple grafts will 100% prevent you from breastfeeding. Best wishes!

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Tummy Tuck

Member Response:

Yes, a diabetic can have a successful tummy tuck surgery. I have performed many tummy tucks and other surgeries on both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients. The key is tight blood sugar control for upwards of 3-6 months prior to surgery. Your HgA1C levels MUST be close to normal (I have my patients aim for 7.0) before operating. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels before and after surgery put you at extremely high risk of complications such as infection, wound healing problems, and diabetic ketoacidosis. A thorough preoperative clearance by your primary care MD and/or your endocrinologist is mandatory as well as your commitment to diligently manage your blood sugars, especially in the postoperative period. Best wishes!

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I need help to relieve back strain

Tummy Tuck

Member Response:

The best suggestion I can make for you right now is to find a board certified Plastic Surgeon (or a few if you like) and go in for a formal consultation. Let the surgeon evaluate you and your body and he/she can give you recommendations on what procedure is right for you. Furthermore, your lupus will need to be addressed. This will require clearance from your primary care doctor and your rheumatologist (and any other treating docs) because big surgeries can stress out your body/immune system and cause a dangerous flare-up. Autoimmune disease can be a tricky one to deal with in terms of balancing the risks and rewards with elective cosmetic surgery. Your lung cancer surgery shouldn't be an issue as long as the cancer is gone and you didn't have a significant loss of lung from the surgery which could prohibit you going under anesthesia. Hope this helps and best wishes!

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Body lift and breast reduction

Body Contouring

Member Response:

Thanks for the question. A breast reduction usually takes about 3 hours when performed by one surgeon (and can be a little shorter or a little longer depending on the size of the breasts). A body lift usually takes about 5 hours when performed by one surgeon. Medicare/Medicaid may cover your breast reduction if you meet specific requirements for the surgery, such as documented rashes under the breasts, primary care doctor notes stating you have neck and shoulder pain, physical therapy notes stating you are having issues from your large breasts, and reaching a minimum breast size before they will approve the surgery. No insurance will pay for a body lift or a tummy tuck. You may be able to have a panniculectomy covered if you meet requirements similar to the breast reduction. I echo Dr. Buchanan's comments in that unfortunately many weight loss patients are promised by their other doctors that insurance will pay for these surgeries and that is just not the case. Best wishes!

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Breast Reduction

Member Response:

You are clearly not overweight so you most likely do not have excess fat in your chest area. Without an exam it is impossible for us to know if you have excess fibrous breast tissue behind the areolas, which is typically treated with direct surgical removal via a small incision made along the edge of the areola. If your only issue is the large size of your areolas, then you may be a candidate for areolar reduction surgery. Should you get the procedure? Well, that is entirely up to you. Consult with a board certified Plastic Surgeon and get recommendations on what surgery is right for you. Once you get information on procedures, recovery, pricing, and expected results you can make an informed decision on moving forward with surgery.

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2 procedures

Tummy Tuck

Member Response:

Yes, it is absolutely possible to do an arm lift and a tummy tuck at the same time. In the interest of patient safety, most surgeons and surgery centers would like to keep surgeries under 8 hours (and where I operate they won't let surgeries go over 6 hours), so if your surgeon feels the two procedures can be done together in a reasonable amount of time, then it is safe and possible. Best of luck!

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Ident in my stomach below my belly button

Tummy Tuck

Member Response:

Thanks for the question. Without all of facts it is very difficult to suggest a treatment for you. We need information such as your height, weight, childbearing status (have you had any kids), any history of large weight fluctuations, and photos. You may be a candidate for just noninvasive body contouring such as UltraShape or CoolSculpt, or you may be a candidate for liposuction versus mini tummy tuck versus full tummy tuck depending on your physical exam. As you can see, there is quite a spectrum of treatments that we can offer to help correct your issue. Best wishes!

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inverted nipple

Breast Augmentation

Member Response:

The location for inverted nipple surgery is up to the patient. It can be done safely in the office under just local anesthesia (or even a pain pill or light sedative), or if the patient wishes it can be done in an operating room with formal sedation or even general anesthesia. I have done it both ways successfully, leaving it up to the patient to decide where we will do it. Keep in mind -- surgery in the operating room will cost more overall because you will be paying anesthesia and facility fees. Healing time is quick -- about 1-2 weeks. Pain is usually not a major issue after the surgery. Sure, the nipple(s) will be tender, but it shouldn't be anything debilitating. It likely won't bother you at all after a few days. Best wishes!

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Affordable Options

Arm Lift

Member Response:

Thanks for the question, and nice work on losing the weight and keeping it off! I completely understand where you are at. Losing 220 pounds is a massive amount of weight, and you have lots of loose skin that you don't really like. You mentioned that your arms are bothering you the most, so starting with an arm lift would be perfectly fine for you. Affordability is important for just about every patient, but this should only be one factor in your choice of surgeon. Seek out board certified Plastic Surgeons who practice near you that are comfortable with body contouring procedures. Check out their reviews. Go on multiple consults. You will see that most surgeons offer multiple financing options for your surgery, which allows you to make affordable monthly payments. Do a Google search for average costs of arm lift surgery. You will be able to find this information very easily. Once you have some prices and consults under your belt, you can plan and budget appropriately.

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Lipo under the chin?


Member Response:

Thanks for the question. If you have areas of your face/neck that you feel have too much fat in them, then fat transfer/fat grafting won't be the answer for you because that involves putting MORE fat into those areas. There are many options for fat removal in the neck area, all of which have been listed numerous times on this thread. Options include liposuction, Kybella, CoolSculpt, radio frequency skin tightening, and of course, surgical neck lift. Be sure to speak with a Plastic Surgeon who is comfortable assessing your area of concern and can give you an honest opinion on what is best for you. Best wishes!

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Mommy makeover

Mommy Makeover

Member Response:

I agree that it isn't always cut and dry in terms of multiple procedures performed at once. The big things surgeons and surgery centers are watching is total OR time (keep things under 6 hours) as well as the specific surgeries being performed. I have safely done combination breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and Brazilian Butt Lifts in 6 hours. However, in your case, you are asking about a breast LIFT along with the other procedures. I assume you refer to liposculpture as just the liposuction involved in the BBL? A breast lift takes significantly more time that a breast augmentation, especially if you are adding an implant. If you are indeed wanting high definition body contouring, this will add significant time as well. In your case, I would tell you to divide the procedures up because they would take too much time. Be sure to consult with an experienced board certified Plastic Surgeon. Best wishes!

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Monday through Friday 9 AM to 5 PM.
Saturday office hours by appointment only.

Patient Testimonials

Words cannot describe how satisfied I am with my results and the post op follow up and care that was provided by Dr. Petrungaro, I had a tummy tuck with muscle repair on 10/17/2016 and the process was a breeze from consultation to my post op visits. I can't wait to get my next procedure done with him.
My highest regard, trust and respect for this surgeon. He delivered what he promised and changed the life and self esteem of this 66 yr. old. Office staff is the best and most helpful and watchful. Planning my next procedure and recommend him highly. Had a tummy tuck and my amazement is with the healing and general outcome because of his skill. I don't believe Beverly Hills could have done better. Wish I did it sooner. If you are seeking a Northwest Indiana or Chicago plastic surgeon, this is him.
Dr.P was exceptional! No question went unanswered, and as many as I had, he was very patient with me. I felt extremely comfortable at every appointment. He was extremely professional, yet personable at the same time.
I wanted to feel good about myself at the same time I knew I had to get healthy. I researched and met with many doctors in the Chicago area, until I found Dr. Jason Petrungaro. He provided me with realistic goals, and took time to explain the procedure, as well as expectations for my desired results. The follow up care I received after my procedure was incredible! Such a caring staff. Couldn't ask for a better doctor!
Dr. Petrungaro is amazing. I'm so excited with my results. I wanted my pre-baby body back and he went above and beyond that. He is available 24/7 for questions or concerns and that made me feel very comfortable with such a major surgery. If you're looking for amazing results,look no further. His office is very close to Chicago, the staff is great and responds within minutes. I have never felt so comfortable in a DR's office. They make you feel like family.
I felt that I had a decent figure already but wanted to improve it. Little did I know how much better I would feel after Dr. Petrungaro did my bbl! I love how I look and am so glad I made this decision.
I've been wanting a breast reduction since my senior year of high school. I've always felt that my boobs made me "freakish". I finally went through with the surgery this summer. I was a little emotional after surgery the changes you go through was unfamiliar, but after that it's been perfect I haven't been this happy with my breast in years! I can run now with out worrying about a black eye (lol), exercising is much more comfortable, buying clothes and bras is fun and tear free. I have some scarring but it's diminished quite a bit, I would make this decision again and again and encourage other women who are big breasted and unhappy with them to do the same! I feel more like myself and no longer feel "freakish".
Dr. Petrungaro was GREAT! He was professional and compassionate. He always took the time to answer all my questions and explain everything in detail. I was very confident with him as my surgeon, which gave me a sense of ease and comfort when it came time to do the surgery. I would highly recommend Dr. Petrungaro for any of your plastic surgery needs.
Dr. Petrungaro did an amazing job on my nose. It's been almost two months since he completed my rhinoplasty and I couldn’t be happier with my result. I’ve always hated certain aspects about my nose and it made me really self conscious. He is all about his patience’s happiness, and everything about it still being natural. Doctor Petrungaro is extremely professional and compassionate. I would strongly recommend Doctor Petrungaro for any of your plastic surgery needs. I just scheduled my second surgery with Doctor P!
Dr. P was amazing! I would recommend him to anyone. He was very easy to talk to and answered all of my questions. The office staff was very nice and welcoming. I love the results of my breast augmentation. Dr. P did a great job giving me the look I've always wanted. The procedure went smoothly and recovery was a easier than I anticipated.
I have been looking into the options of plastic surgery for many years after having 4 children (including a set of twins). Pregnancy, although a wonderful experience, changed my body. After years of healthy living (including proper diet and exercise) I was still not able to reach the results I was looking to achieve. At times I felt defeated and lacked confidence. In addition to emotional implications I also had medical conditions limiting my progress. I was faced with autoimmune issues in addition to hormone imbalance and a series of female health issues. Ultimately I was faced with a decision to have a full hysterectomy. At the time of diagnosis I decided it was a serious consideration to have plastic surgery at the same time of hysterectomy. My doctor was agreeable to this option and I was delighted this could be a reality. I spent a lot of time researching local Chicago and NW Indiana doctors and having in person consultations. I found that Dr. Petrungaro Plastic Surgery was a perfect fit for me! He understood my medical concerns and could truly see the vision I had for plastic surgery. We had a plan and coordinated scheduling for the dual procedures. Recovery takes time; however educating yourself for realistic expectations is important. I was realistic and keep my spirits high. I recovered very quickly by both doctors standard and here I am today. Healthy & Happy!
I already had a tummy tuck 8 years ago however, with time my 54 year old stomach, waist, and bra-back begin to droop, Dr. Petrungaro knew just what I wanted, he calls it the 360 procedure has done an amazing job! The Dr. office beautiful staff wife together extremely professional, informative, supportive and friendly. I am simply so happy and pleased with my results my husband thinks he has a younger women lol :)
After losing 100lbs, I had extremely saggy skin under my arms, the only way to correct it was surgery. I was at the point where exercise reached it max results. My arms make me feel like a new woman! I have no saggy hanging skin and the muscles that worked so hard to build actually show and are defined.
Dr. Petrungaro is an incredible surgeon. He was extremely helpful by answering all my questions and allowing me to meet with him several times prior to surgery. He assured I felt comfortable before, during, and after surgery. I broke my nose a few years ago and since have hated the way I looked. Dr. Petrungaro helped me through the whole process and made my dream nose possible. My nose has never looked better and I have never felt more confident!
Dr. Petrungaro calmed all my nerves and was extremely gentle throughout my entire procedure. I am thrilled with the results of my lip injections! I look very natural and my lip wrinkles are completely gone! I will be back for more when needed and I have already highly recommend Dr. Petrungaro to my friends. The office is immaculate and the staff is very professional and friendly. Plus, only 25 minutes from Chicago. Great Experience!
2 &1/2 years ago I made the decision to have a "boob job". knowing the amount of money involved and the physical change that I would be undergoing I researched and talked to other doctors in the area. When I first called Dr. P's office I was met with a very friendly staff that sounded just as happy for me as I was. right off the bat when I went to my consultation I knew this was my doctor! unlike the other doctors I talked to, he spoke to me in his office, SHIRT ON, asked me and my fiancé what we pictured in our heads, answered ALL our questions and even answered questions we didn't know we had! I knew my surgery would not be the run of the mill "boob job" after 3 kids and loosing almost 90lbs in 2 years my breast were BAD! but Dr. P never made me feel like I HAD to do this surgery to be "beautiful" like so many other doctors had! He, in detail, explained to me what he would need to do to give me what I wanted. In the end I ended up going with the gummy bear inplants. Dr. P and his wife really take their time to care, so when I had a 2 day before surgery question, and emailed Dr. P he responded quickly answering my questions and putting me at ease with a simple "dont worry, your in good hands, I promise" the days after surgery were painful, but to be expected, and once again Dr. P and his wife were there to answer questions and offer advice. I have had a few hiccups in my recovery but not to any fault of Dr. P, when he says you shouldn't smoke....LISTEN! but he helped address the issues and I am now almost completely healed and LOVING my new boobs! (and so does the fiancé!) thank you so much Dr P for giving this 32 year old mother of 3 her body back!!! you really did work wonders, you are an artist with a scalpel and I am proud to say I am your work of art! best of luck here in Northwest Indiana!
My arm lift has changed my life. I feel better about myself everyday and am free to wear all my cute summer shirts now. Thank you Doc & Amy!! You two are a great team and helped me feel at ease with the whole procedure! Very very happy with my results!

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