American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals

Stephen M. Warren, MD, FACS

Active Member

Active Member

Stephen M. Warren, MD, FACS

Dr. Stephen Warren is a board-certified plastic surgeon practicing in New York City, New York. Dr. Warren specializes in facial plastic surgery with a focus on aesthetic, reconstructive, and pediatric plastic surgery.

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Meet Dr. Stephen Warren

Dr. Stephen Warren's practice is made up of reconstructive, aesthetic, and pediatric plastic surgery. Dr. Warren is highly regarded for his work in craniofacial surgery and cleft lip and palate surgery, with patients traveling to his New York City office from all over the world.

Patient Testimonials

My daughter recently had the privilege of undergoing a life-changing cosmetic procedure performed by Dr. Warren, and I cannot praise his expertise enough. From the initial consultation to the final follow-up, my experience with Dr. Warren and their team was nothing short of exceptional. -- Google Review
Dr Warren is one of the world most talented surgeon that i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. My son's medical challenges started 16 years ago, at birth. Dr Warren recommended and performed a brilliant, genius surgery to rectify facial symmetry caused by a tumor. Dr Warren dedicated countless hours, perhaps years of research, so that he could deliver a perfect outcome. I can safely and confidently say that Dr Warren is the best in the world , nationally. We were so fortunate and honored to have him as my Nick's surgeon. Dr Warren is patient, systematic, thorough, a true perfectionist. I have the highest regard for everything Dr Warren did before, during and post surgery. Dr Warren made himself accessible around the clock to ensure that my son was taken care of every single step of the way. He explained everything perfectly, visited my son daily, if not twice a day while in the hospital. Dr Warren will always hold a very special place in our lives and our hearts as what he was able to achieve for my son Nicholaus is a miracle and a gift. I have the highest amount of gratitude, respect and appreciation for Dr Warren. May he continue to be a blessing to other families as he continues to perform his magic. I thank him for his dedication and commitment to making a difference. God needs to bless Dr Warren as he is an extremely special and gifted doctor. -- Google Review
Dr. Warren is an incredible surgeon who possesses the rare combination of being as skilled and talented as humanly possible, yet extremely humble, likable, and patient beyond belief. Within his field, he is undoubtedly the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time)! -- Google Review

Procedures Performed

Botulinum Toxin

Brow Lift

Cheek Augmentation

Chemical Peels, IPL, Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments

Chin Augmentation

Chin Surgery

Cleft Lip and Palate Repair

Cosmetic Surgery & Computer Imaging


Dermal Fillers

Ear Surgery

Endoscopic Technique

Eyelid Surgery


Facial Implants

Injectable Fillers

Lip Augmentation/Enhancement

Neck Lift

Orthognathic Surgery


Scar Revision

Skull/Facial Bone Reconstruction

Ask A Surgeon

Ask a Surgeon

Dr. Stephen Warren participates in the ASPS Ask A Surgeon service. View responses to public questions below.

Vermilion Border Scar

Cleft Lip and Palate Repair

Member Response:

The white roll is interrupted with a slightly wide, depressed scar. Since the scar is only 3.5 months old, I would recommend waiting upwards of 12 months or more to allow the scar to remodel. Interruptions in the white roll can be easily corrected in a relatively short, albeit important procedure. There is no particular biologic window of opportunity to correct the white roll scar, but ages 2-5 years can be challenging because the child is old enough to perturb the healing tissue, but to young to follow instructions.

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Endolift Scars

Wound Care

Member Response:

The size and location of your incisions indicates that your surgeon made poor choices. You should follow Dr. Obi's advice and see a ABPS certified surgeon in the United States. There are good surgeons in your area. Wound care takes weeks and multiple follow-up visits. It would be wise to seek your care locally.

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Scar tissue inside lip removal

Lip Augmentation/Enhancement

Member Response:

While a steroid injection is rather unlikely to resolve the scar, it is also unlikely to have any untoward consequences. If you were hesitant to have it excised, you could try the steroid and when it failed, you might be less reluctant to move on to excision. In sum, scars like this are best treated by excision.

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mild ptosis: eyelid surgery &/or brow lift to make eye area more symmetrical?

Eyelid Surgery

Member Response:

You have orbital dystopia. The left orbit is inferiorly displaced relative to the right. This results in pseudo-ptosis of the upper eyelid. That is to say, your left eyelid is down because your left eye is posteriorly and inferiorly positioned. Finally, your left eyebrow is slightly low. You could be treated with unilateral brow lift and elevation of the left eye. Once the eye is up and forward, you could reassess the position of the left eyelid.

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Midface shortening


Member Response:

Vertical maxillary excess can be treated by a LeFort I impaction. This is a common, but a relatively large procedure. You should see a plastic surgeon to discuss your concerns.

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Chin implant revision - do I need to take it out and wait 6 months?

Chin Surgery

Member Response:

Without infection or an impending mucosal/skin erosion, I cannot think of a good reason to stage the implant exchange. Removal and simultaneous replacement is the way to go. See another surgeon and get another opinion.

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Can scar tissue be removed from lip?

Lip Augmentation/Enhancement

Member Response:

Hi- This type of scaring on the vermillion (dry red part of the lip) and mucosa (wet red part of the lip) is quite common. We see it in trauma cases like yours, but we also see after cleft lip repair. Laser could unfortunately never solve this problem as you've learned. The lip, however, can readily be improved with a relatively small surgical procedure to reduce the scar tissue, realign the vermillion, and remove the hypopigmented area. You should get connected with an ASPS certified plastic surgery who specializes in facial or cleft surgery. It should be a relatively easy fix. Good luck!

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Biofilm and risks

Breast Implant Removal

Member Response:

It is convenient for the surgeon to leave the capsule in place, but I believe this does the patient a disservice. The capsule should be removed with the implant. Whether it is "biofilm" or BIA-ALCL, if it was in the capsule, it's still in you. Now, of course, the odds of either being present in the capsule are low, so you could play the odds and leave the capsule alone. If you can't "play the odds" then have the capsule removed.

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Second lefort 1 for more advancement?

Orthognathic Surgery

Member Response:

After a LeFort I/BSSO, if the occlusion (i.e. bite) is good, a surgeon cannot selectively re-advance the midface without disturbing the occlusion. To obtain more midface advancement, a surgeon would have to re-advance the upper and lower jaws. Assuming that the occlusion is satisfactory, a patient would be far better off using midface and/or mandibular implants to selectively augment the skeleton. I've done this many times in my own patients and in patients referred to me. Typically, I find that patients with unsatisfying midface advancement after a LeFort I really wanted midface advancement above the level of the LeFort I segment. I point this out to my patients before LeFort I surgery and, unfortunately, I sometimes have to point this out to patients referred to me after their procedure with another surgeon. In sum, a post-LeFort I/BSSO patient with satisfactory occlusion should identify which areas remain insufficiently treated and consider implant augmentation.

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Patient Testimonials

My daughter recently had the privilege of undergoing a life-changing cosmetic procedure performed by Dr. Warren, and I cannot praise his expertise enough. From the initial consultation to the final follow-up, my experience with Dr. Warren and their team was nothing short of exceptional. -- Google Review
Dr Warren is one of the world most talented surgeon that i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. My son's medical challenges started 16 years ago, at birth. Dr Warren recommended and performed a brilliant, genius surgery to rectify facial symmetry caused by a tumor. Dr Warren dedicated countless hours, perhaps years of research, so that he could deliver a perfect outcome. I can safely and confidently say that Dr Warren is the best in the world , nationally. We were so fortunate and honored to have him as my Nick's surgeon. Dr Warren is patient, systematic, thorough, a true perfectionist. I have the highest regard for everything Dr Warren did before, during and post surgery. Dr Warren made himself accessible around the clock to ensure that my son was taken care of every single step of the way. He explained everything perfectly, visited my son daily, if not twice a day while in the hospital. Dr Warren will always hold a very special place in our lives and our hearts as what he was able to achieve for my son Nicholaus is a miracle and a gift. I have the highest amount of gratitude, respect and appreciation for Dr Warren. May he continue to be a blessing to other families as he continues to perform his magic. I thank him for his dedication and commitment to making a difference. God needs to bless Dr Warren as he is an extremely special and gifted doctor. -- Google Review
Dr. Warren is an incredible surgeon who possesses the rare combination of being as skilled and talented as humanly possible, yet extremely humble, likable, and patient beyond belief. Within his field, he is undoubtedly the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time)! -- Google Review

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