American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals

Pioneering progress: An in-depth exploration of DIEP flap breast reconstruction techniques

an in-depth exploration of diep flap breast reconstruction techniques

A mosaic of surgical prowess and patient-centered care, the DIEP (deep inferior epigastric perforator) flap procedure has carved its place in the realm of breast reconstruction, especially for those navigating the tumultuous journey of breast cancer.

Board-certified plastic surgeons Steven Pisano, MD, and Minas Chrysopoulo, MD, FACS, from PRMA Plastic Surgery, and DIEP flap patient and advocate Terri Coutee, founder of the nonprofit DIEP-Cjourney Foundation, peeled back the layers of this innovative procedure, revealing its benefits, challenges and deeply personal impacts.

Tapping into autologous reconstruction

Breast reconstruction has come a long way over the years, with patients now being presented with innovative procedures that promise better outcomes and quicker recovery times. Leading the charge in this evolution is the DIEP flap procedure, a technique that has revolutionized the way surgeons approach autologous tissue-based breast reconstruction.

"The DIEP flap procedure is essentially a tissue transplant," said Pisano, comparing it to how organs, such as kidneys, are transplanted from one individual to another.

The fundamental objective of any transplant lies in the meticulous process of reestablishing blood flow.

"Connecting blood vessels ensures adequate circulation to the new location," said Pisano, drawing parallels between the intricate networks of plumbing required in transplantation and the DIEP flap's transfer of tissue from one body part to another.

Beyond just the technical aspect, the choice of undergoing breast reconstruction post-mastectomy presents an emotional and personal challenge for many women. Pisano touched upon the reservations many patients harbor regarding implant reconstructions.

"Patients are often skeptical of having an implant," said Pisano. "What I find is that patients do not want to complicate matters by entertaining the idea of having a foreign body."

Chrysopoulo, echoing Pisano's sentiments, shed light on the rigorous patient assessment processes and the importance of shared decision-making in the DIEP flap procedure.

"It's crucial to involve the patient in the decision-making process to determine the best approach tailored for the individual," said Chrysopoulo.

He broke down the multifaceted criteria essential in evaluating a patient's suitability for the procedure. Among them, a patient's overall health, smoking history, body composition and radiation history stand out as pivotal determinants. Further delving into the procedure's intricacies, he highlighted the emphasis on muscle and nerve consideration, the restoration of sensation and the crucial role of proficiency in microsurgery.

Navigating technical and operational nuances

One of the primary challenges, as Pisano emphasized, is selecting the right perforators. These are the blood vessels that ensure circulation to the transplanted tissue.

"Each side of the body, left and right, may have several perforators to consider," said Pisano. "However, we typically narrow it down to just a few."

While the approach has traditionally involved some compromise with muscle tissue, newer techniques like the APEX flap – introduced by the NOLA group – ensure minimal to no muscle damage.

Chrysopoulo concurred on the importance of surgical precision, particularly concerning the DIEP flap procedure.

"Surgeons who frequently perform the DIEP procedure might be more attuned to certain nuances," said Chrysopoulo. "For example, preserving muscle alone sometimes isn't enough. Proficiency in microsurgery is vital for maximizing DIEP flap surgery success rates."

He further underscored the significance of restoring sensation post-surgery, a factor that might often be overlooked.

"Restoration of sensation isn't always emphasized, but it is a crucial aspect of restoring as close to normal function as possible," said Chrysopoulo. "While some plastic surgeons might not prioritize or even acknowledge its significance, the data suggests otherwise."

Operational efficiency, too, plays a pivotal role in patient outcomes. Pisano spoke about the continuous efforts to refine the procedure.

"What we're seeing now is an emphasis on reducing operative time and enhancing workflow in the operating room to make the DIEP flap procedure more efficient," said Pisano.

His aspiration is to bring down the duration of a double reconstruction to around four hours under ideal circumstances, a procedure that currently takes between five to six hours.

Patient recovery and expectation management

A procedure once viewed with trepidation has now become significantly streamlined, with advancements leading to reduced hospital stays and enhanced patient outcomes.

"In terms of recovery, the DIEP flap procedure is a major operation. However, due to very important advances in approaches to care like ERAS (enhanced recovery after surgery) protocols, recovery time today is a lot less than it used to be," said Chrysopoulo. "There was a time when patients might stay in the hospital for up to five days. However, that's not the case anymore. At our practice, PRMA, women typically only stay one or two nights thanks to our ERAS protocol."

Such rapid recuperation is primarily attributed to the evolution and rigorous implementation of ERAS protocols. These protocols not only expedite recovery for the DIEP flap procedure but have also been instrumental across various surgical disciplines.

"The DIEP flap procedure compares very favorably in terms of recovery time, especially at high-volume centers with established ERAS protocols," said Chrysopoulo. "If you're considering this procedure, it's best to go to a center that performs it frequently, as that's where you'll likely see the best outcomes."

Yet, recovery is just one facet of a patient's surgical journey. A profound emphasis on patient education, alignment of expectations and individualized care stands at the forefront of Chrysopoulo's practice.

"It's really very important to manage expectations," said Chrysopoulo. "When I sit down with patients, I provide them the space and opportunity to express their preferences. I encourage them to share pictures of how they want to look. You can't spend too much time beforehand ensuring you're on the same page."

Postoperative care is underpinned by robust protocols and a strong emphasis on the patient's environment. He stressed the importance of social support.

"This isn't a procedure where you can just return to an empty house afterward," said Chrysopoulo. "It's not appropriate for a patient to simply take an Uber, go home, and be alone."

Alongside a nurturing environment, physical activity is heralded as crucial.

"We emphasize the importance of staying active post-surgery," said Chrysopoulo. "Patients should increase their walking incrementally each day. This not only aids in recovery but also prepares them for any subsequent procedures."

A patient's perspective

In the vast sea of medical journeys and patient testimonies, Coutee's narrative on her DIEP flap procedure stands out as both illuminating and deeply personal. Through her eyes, we gain an insight into the myriad of emotions, thoughts, and physical challenges that accompany such a journey.

Coutee emphasized how thoroughly informed she felt because she initially spent significant time gathering information.

"I don't feel like I could have been any better informed," said Coutee, a testament to the commitment and professionalism of her medical team.

This was further demonstrated when her husband expressed concern about the feasibility of finding viable blood vessels for the procedure. The response from her surgeon was not only reassuring but was characterized by a "confident humility." This kind of demeanor, where expertise meets the acknowledgment of the unpredictable nature of medical procedures, is invaluable.

Her surgeon also displayed adaptability, assuring them of willingness to explore alternative areas if the initial plan was met with unforeseen complications. The postoperative phase, often a nerve-wracking period for many, was a testament to the dedication of the medical staff surrounding her.

Coutee highlighted the solace she found in the frequent checks by nurses and the sophisticated monitoring system. This system, which kept her surgeon informed around the clock, became a pillar of support, continually reminding her of the safety net in place.

Yet, no medical journey is devoid of challenges, and Coutee's was no exception. The road to recovery saw her relying heavily on the support of her family. She had to relearn seemingly simple daily activities, from mastering the art of showering post-surgery without assistance to confronting and accepting the visible scars that were now a part of her body. Each of these moments, while challenging, was also an opportunity for personal growth and adaptation.

"Because of my educational background, having breast cancer twice, and having an exceptional breast reconstruction experience, it was life transformative for me," said Coutee.

Her journey, infused with challenges, support, medical excellence and personal growth, is proof of the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact of an empathetic medical community.

Peering into the future

While the DIEP flap procedure has revolutionized autologous breast reconstruction, the future may hold further advancements.

"The DIEP flap procedure may actually become obsolete, as advances in tissue engineering could eliminate the need for it," said Chrysopoulo. "I anticipate an increase in the use of fat grafting. Additionally, the possibility of engineering entire breasts is on the horizon. While I can't predict exactly when this will occur, I believe that, eventually, the DIEP flap will be relegated to the annals of medical history."

Any potential of crafting entire breasts through engineering poses a tantalizing possibility, hinting at the ongoing expansion of breast reconstruction methodologies.

DIEP flap procedures intricately intertwine technical excellence with holistic patient care. It is a testimony to the strides taken in the realm of reconstructive surgery. While the technique remains prevalent and vital for numerous patients, continuous innovation is poised to sculpt the future, potentially offering new avenues for individuals embarking on their reconstructive journeys.

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