Hand Surgery
Improve Strength, Function and Flexibility
Hand surgery can treat diseases that cause pain and impair the strength, function and flexibility of your wrist and fingers.
What words should I know about hand surgery?
Carpal tunnel syndrome
A condition caused by pressure to the median nerve within the wrist or carpal tunnel causing pain, tingling and numbness.
Dupuytren's contracture
A disabling hand disorder in which thick, scar-like tissue bands form within the palm and may extend into the fingers. It can cause restricted movement, bending the fingers into an abnormal position.
Extensor tendon
A tendon which serves to extend a finger or hand.
Flexor tendon
A tendon which serves to bend a finger or hand.
General anesthesia
Drugs and/or gases used during an operation to relieve pain and alter consciousness.
Tissue taken from other parts of the body.
Intravenous sedation
Sedatives administered by injection into a vein to help you relax.
High magnification to repair or reconnect severed nerves and tendons, common in trauma cases and often used to reattach severed fingers or limbs.
The presence of extra fingers.
Rheumatoid arthritis
A disabling disease that can cause severe inflammation in any joint of the body. In the hand, it can deform fingers and impair movement.
When fingers are fused together at birth.
A tough cord or band of dense white fibrous connective tissue that unites a muscle with some other part.
A surgical procedure to free a tendon from surrounding adhesions.
Trigger finger
An abnormal condition in which flexion or extension of a finger may be momentarily obstructed by spasm followed by a snapping into place.
A surgical incision technique that creates small triangular flaps of tissue that help to close wounds over areas of the hand where bending or flexing is essential to function, such as around knuckles.
Surgeons In Your Area
Reza Miraliakbari, MD, MBA, FACS
8501 Arlington Boulevard Suite 310Fairfax, VA 22031
Reza Miraliakbari, MD, MBA, FACS
8501 Arlington Boulevard Suite 310Fairfax, VA 22031