& AfterPhotos
Do you remember your first time? ASPS members chat about their first day in private practice, their first time in charge of the OR and their first incision. WARNING: Not approved for AC/DC fans.
Step inside the office of Karen Horton, MD to see breast reconstruction follow-up, a liposuction consultation, a breast reduction follow-up and more.
What's the benefit of consulting with a plastic surgeon who has had plastic surgery? "Been there. Done that." says Patricia McGuire, MD.
Whether for reconstruction or aesthetic patients, implants are very useful in changing the volume and shape of the breast; however, implants should not be considered lifetime devices.
Breast lifts, unlike breast reductions or breast augmentations, can be a great option for women who struggle with flat or drooping-shaped breasts, downward pointed nipples, stretched out skin or unevenness.
ASPS member Dr. Aviva Preminger tells us what's trending in plastic surgery, like radiofrequency-based devices for noninvasive fat removal and more.
Sarah Dickie, MD, and Michelle Roughton, MD, give you a glimpse into the surgical and nonsurgical procedures they had and why they had them.
Dr. Raman Mahabir gives the skinny on plastic surgery in Phoenix and Scottsdale—procedure trends, common patient questions and, of course, patient safety advice.
Knowing the options around breast implants. This vlog helps you sort through the clutter to create a meaningful dialogue with your plastic surgeon.
Fat grafting is a popular way to volumize different parts of your body – buttocks, breast, hands, face – and to improve the contours of the abdomen.
On the gridiron and inside a robotics lab – discover how plastic surgery cares for world-class athletes and advances movement and sensation for amputees.
What four things should you look for in a plastic surgeon? What are the most rewarding procedures? What three things should you do when visiting Austin, TX? ASPS member Dr. Scott Haydon tells you what's what in our latest vlog.
This breast augmentation procedure features a patient with asymmetry, size discrepancy and constricted lower pole. Follow along with ASPS member Dr. Jacob Unger as he takes you through the surgery.
How many questions can we ask Dr. Heather Furnas in under 2-and-a-half minutes? Discover her favorite procedure, hobbies and advise for patients.
Watch a tummy tuck procedure with insights from ASPS member Dr. Lisa Hunsicker. Discover how the modern abdominoplasty can do more than ever before.