& AfterPhotos
The Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is still a popular procedure for buttock enhancement and augmentation, but there is a growing number of patients that wish to reverse their BBL results. In recent years, more and more patients have been looking to reverse their BBL procedures to achieve a more natural look.
Cardi B recently revealed that she had black market buttock injections and detailed the horrifying story of what she went through on a quest to obtain better curves.
Buttock augmentation with fat grafting—also known as a "Brazilian butt lift"—has increased 26% between 2015 and 2016. During this procedure, a surgeon removes fat from an area where it's not wanted and places it into the buttocks.
Gluteal augmentation, more commonly referred to as buttock augmentation, is a common procedure designed to improve the size and shape of the buttocks.
It's no secret that the popularity of buttock augmentation is on the rise. If you are considering buttock augmentation, know what to expect during your recovery.
Plastic surgery for the buttock enhancement is increasing in popularity, and fat grafting may be an option for buttock augmentation surgeries.
For years, buttock surgery has been the poor, ignored little sister to breast surgery. No longer. Over the last decade, surgery to improve the appearance of the buttocks has grown into its own.