American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Consumers

ASPS Comments on NAIC’s Model Regulation

In response to concerns regarding exchange plans implementing narrow networks, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) formed a workgroup to create a Model Regulation for adoption by states to address this issue.

ASPS signed onto the Alliance of Specialty Medicine's letter sent on January 10, 2015 commenting on the NAIC's network adequacy draft regulations. The Alliance expressed support for including language that provided parameters for how specialists and subspecialists should be listed in a plan's provider directory, as well as guidance on how plans should ensure that physicians have the requisite training to be listed as part of a particular specialty.

NAIC continues to work on the draft regulation language. The final version is expected later this year. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has stated that it is waiting to see the outcome of NAIC deliberations before it decides whether to issue regulations governing the networks of exchange plans.