American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Consumers

Connect 5-minute checkup

Here are five commonly overlooked items that you can check in five minutes to make sure you're not missing out on valuable opportunities.

Patient Referral Email

The patient referral email is the most critical part of your Connect profile, and one of the easiest to overlook. This is the email all your consultation requests are sent to. It's also the email that appears in your Contact information box. Check this on your ASPS Member Dashboard by going to Account ► My Info and select the General Information tab. Make sure everything looks correct or hit the Edit button to make changes.


Have you moved or added office locations recently? While you're in the Account ► My Info section, click on the Addresses tab to make sure everything is correct. You can edit your primary office and home addresses. If you need to add or edit additional locations, contact Member Services at

Website Link

Visitors to your Connect profile can fill in a consultation request right then and there, but they're just as likely to head to your website to find out more about you. Make sure it's easy to find with this quick trick. On your Member Dashboard, head to My Content ► Connect Profile and click on the Links tab. Make sure there's a check mark next to your primary website link. This puts the link up in your Contact information box. If your website isn't there or isn't checked, add or Edit the link and check the box on the left to mark it as your primary link. You can add as many links as you like, but only mark one primary at a time.

About Section

Toward the top of your Connect profile, you'll see "Meet Dr. [Your Name]." Right under that is your Welcome Video, and under that is your About section. If you don't have either of those things, that whole section will be blank. Don't leave your visitors in suspense. Head to My Content ► Connect Profile and on the About tab, click Edit. Tell your visitors a short story about yourself. If you have a similar section on your practice website, this can be as simple as copy-pasting that text into this section.

Ask a Surgeon

This last item isn't strictly related to your Connect profile, but if you're involved in the ASPS Patient Community it's worth checking. Head to Account ► My Info and click on the Ask a Surgeon tab. You can choose to be notified of new questions as they come it, once a day, or once a week. If you don't like receiving email notifications, you can also opt out of notifications completely – you can still participate in Ask a Surgeon directly on

Checking these things will take care of the most critical aspects of your Connect profile. For more tips on how to get the most out of your subscription, go to